"At SwagBisaya19 Creatives, we believe that creative minds can build a beautiful union of supporters."

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Bending the Time to Fit Writing Into Your Hectic Life ✍


In order to write, you need time. Time is often a scarce resource for those who work outside of the home and have other commitments such as family, friends, hobbies or jobs. But writing can be a great way to clear your mind and find inspiration in everyday life that you might not otherwise notice.

Where to Find Inspiration for Writing 

There are many different ways to find inspiration when it comes to writing. Some people might find that they need complete silence in order to focus, while others might enjoy listening to music or reading books. The best way to find out what works for you is by trying a few different things and seeing what helps you the most.

Below are some of the best places to find inspiration for writing:

⭐ In nature
⭐ While listening to music
⭐ Reading books or articles
⭐ Talking to friends and family members about their lives
⭐ Watching movies or television shows that inspire you emotionally or creatively.

Where to find inspiration for a poem?

One way to find inspiration for poetry is to go on walks. When you’re out and about, take in your surroundings and write down any thoughts or images that come to mind. You can also use nature as a source of inspiration. If you’re looking for a specific type of poem, like a Haiku, try to find inspiration in the objects around you.

For example, a Haiku about autumn could be:

The leaves fall gently to the ground
A cool breeze in the air as winter draws near
Such beauty in simplicity.

You don’t have to go on walks or use nature specifically though! You can also get inspired by people, events or objects in your everyday life.

Where to find inspiration for a story?

For stories, it’s often helpful to come up with an idea and then build the plot around that idea. You can also use real-life experiences as the basis for your story. If you’re ever stuck, try talking to friends and family members about your ideas. You might be surprised by how much perspective a little bit of conversation can give you!

Where to find inspiration for an article?

There are so many options when it comes time to writing articles. If you’re stuck on what topic, try brainstorming some words or phrases that have to do with the topic. For example, if you’re writing about sports try words like “passing, cheering and scoring” to get your creative juices flowing. You might also want to check out other blogs or articles that are related to your topic in order to find inspiration for ideas or tips!

Finding time to write can be difficult, but it’s definitely worth it in the end. The things you can create when you have enough time and focus are astounding. Use these tips to help make writing easier for yourself, and remember that there is no one way to do things. Everyone’s process is different, so find what works best for you and go with that. Happy writing!

What to Do if You’re Having Trouble Getting Started 

One way to combat this is by setting a timer and forcing yourself to write for a certain amount of time.

For example, if you're stuck on writing about somebody's eyes, set the timer for fifteen minutes and just start typing anything that comes into your head about their eyes or anything related to them. You might be surprised at what starts coming out when you have a time constraint!

Another suggestion is to brainstorm ideas before you start writing. This can help to get your creative juices flowing and might lead to a more productive session.

Finally, try not to be too hard on yourself if you don't feel like writing one day or if the work isn't coming as easily as you'd hoped. Everybody has down days, so don't let it get you down! There will always be another day where you can sit down and write something great. Just keep at it!

It can be difficult to find time to write when you have other obligations such as school or work. But, if you try some of the techniques listed above, it will be a little bit easier. You might not be able to write every day, but if you can set aside time once a week or even once a month, you’ll be on your way to becoming a better writer. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll become published!

Do you have any tips on how to overcome challenges when writing? Share them in the comments below! Writing can be a challenging but rewarding experience, and we want to make sure that everyone has the best chance of success. So, tell us – what works for you?

Happy writing! :)

-admin Lobih💖

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