"At SwagBisaya19 Creatives, we believe that creative minds can build a beautiful union of supporters."

Friday, January 14, 2022

Self-Care Ideas for Writers Part 3: How Do Writers Get Self Care Wrong? ✍️

"Self care isn't selfish; sometimes we need to be kinder to ourselves than anyone else can be ." - Janice Hardy

In order to maintain balance in our lives, we need self-care strategies for both writers and non-writers alike. It's easy to fall into bad habits when self-caring because many of us have a perfectionist personality.

We want to be able to do everything perfectly, but this is impossible! When we try to do too much, it can lead to self-care burnout.

Self-care is important for aspiring writers because it allows us to take a step back from our work and rejuvenate. It's easy to get lost in our writing, especially when we are trying to perfect our craft.

It can be anything from taking a break every hour to drink water and eat healthy foods, to writing in a different location to get out of our comfort zone.

When we take care of ourselves, it allows us to have a better mindset when writing. We can approach our work with fresh eyes and new ideas.

Self-care is not only important for writers, but for anyone who wants to be successful in any field. By taking care of ourselves, we are able to accomplish more and be happier in life.

How Writers Can Take Care of Themselves Better ✍

"If self-care is an act of self-love, then self-neglect is the opposite." - Anna Rose

Some writers get self-care wrong by not taking enough time for themselves or overindulging in unhealthy activities. For example, some writers may choose to drink alcohol instead of eating healthy foods or meditating.

It's important that we learn how to take care of ourselves the right way so that self-care becomes part of our daily routine and not just another thing on our To-Do list.

It's also important to take care of your mental health, especially if you are an aspiring writer.

There are many self-care mistakes that people make as aspiring writers, and it is important to understand self-care not only as a necessity but also as a way to improve productivity.

🠊🠊 Free self care activity:

List one self-care task you can do to take better care of yourself as a writer today! It doesn't need to be anything major, just something small that will make a difference in your life. For example, drink two glasses of water or meditate for five minutes.

What are some self-care activities you can do today? Write them down and try them out! You may be surprised at how much better you feel after taking care of yourself.

We hope you enjoy these tips on how Writers can take care of themselves! Feel free to share your thoughts below!

-Admin Lobih💖

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