"At SwagBisaya19 Creatives, we believe that creative minds can build a beautiful union of supporters."

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Merry and Bright: Improve Your Writing Skills and Become a Better Writer This Year

Laptop on top of a wooden table with coffee and flower vase

 The holidays are a time for celebration and reflection. It's also the perfect opportunity to look back on the year and set goals for next year! The first step in setting those goals is to evaluate what you've accomplished this past year. If your goal was to become a better writer, then congratulations-you succeeded! But if writing isn't something that comes naturally or easily, don't worry! There are plenty of things you can do this new year to improve your skills as a writer. 

In this blog post we will talk about how to write more often, learn from others, and even try some writing prompts that will help you grow as an author. We'll also give some of our best advice to newbie writers. So let's get started!

Tips to Enhance Writing Skills This Year 

In 2021, you made great strides as a writer. You set a goal to write more often and were successful in doing so. You continued to develop your voice and hone your skills. Maybe you even tried out some new genres or styles of writing. Whatever you did, we congratulate you on your successes! 

Now that we're moving into 2022, it's time to set some new goals for yourself as a writer. Here are a few tips to help you improve your skills this year: 

  • Set realistic writing goals and make sure they are challenging but achievable 
  • Write every, even if it's only for five minutes 
  • Read as much as you can, and not just within your genre 
  • Join a writing community or online forum to get feedback and support from other writers 
  • Try out some writing prompts to expand your creativity 

These are just a few tips to help you get started. Remember, the most important thing is to be consistent and patient. It may take time but with practice, you will become a better writer. So good luck in reaching your goals this year! And if you're ever feeling lost or stuck, don't hesitate to reach out for help. We're always here to offer encouragement and support.

Getting Those Creative Juices Flow Into Your Written Work ✍

Let's face it: writing isn't always fun. In fact, there are days when the only thing you want to do is crawl back under your covers and stay there until tomorrow comes. But don't give up! There will be times where you feel stuck or unmotivated to write but that doesn't mean you should stop trying altogether. Here are a few tricks we use in order to overcome creative blocks and get those words down on paper: 

  • Try writing about something else for a change of pace 
  • Take a break from whatever project you're working on at the moment 
  • Write a letter or just free flow your thoughts into a document without worrying about grammar, spelling mistakes etc... 

These are just a few tips to help you get started. Remember, the most important thing is to be consistent and patient. It may take time but with practice, you will become a better writer. So good luck in reaching your goals this year! And if you're ever feeling lost or stuck, don't hesitate to reach out for help. We're always here to offer encouragement and support.

Happy New Year and best wishes for all your writing endeavors in 2022! :)

-admin Lobih💖

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